Sunday, January 29, 2012

Meet Screaming Eagle and Enjoy Raw Honey at However Wild Farm on Myers Road in Shaftsbury, VT

This should have been my first post, but I waited because I wanted it to be perfect! My first stop on my food adventures was a few weeks back at Gail Howe's house/farm. My neighbor and I stopped over to talk to her about her raw honey. It was an extra special trip for me because Gail used to give one of my students horse back riding lessons. 

When I was talking with Gail she introduced me to "Screaming Eagle" (photo above).  I thought he was the cutest little guy in the world and decided to name my blog after him! 

Here is a bit about raw honey: 

Raw Honey is bottled as it comes naturally from the hive. Raw Honey contains other hive products such as propolis, pollen, and capping wax, each of which have beneficial properties.

Processed honey has been heated and filtered to make it easier to bottle, and to destroy the natural crystals. 

Many people prefer the flavor of Raw Honey. It will granulate to grades from fine to coarse and may be used as a spread. 

Raw Honey is one of nature's most valuable and widely available medicines. While commercially processed honey loses many of its original qualities, Raw Honey retains its original nutritional content and medicinal properties. 

Raw Honey offers trace amounts of vitamin A, beta-carotene, all of the B-Complex vitamins, vitamins C, D, E, K; magnesium, sulfur phosphorus, iron, calcium, chlorine, potassium, iodine, sodium, copper and manganese. It also contains proteins, carbohydrates, hormones and antimicrobial and antibiotic factors. It has one of the highest enzyme factors of all foods. These live enzymes are important to many systems of the body! 

The honey can be bought at 1242 Myers Rd, Shaftsbury, VT- 802 447 7040 (currently they are out) 
You can also buy it at Spice & Nice in Bennington 


  1. Just got some today from the Market Wagon and am enjoying it in a nice cup of hot tea - wonderful!
